The Simpsons Slot Machine App
- The Simpsons Slot Machine App Game
- The Simpsons Slot Machine Apps
- The Simpsons Slot Machine App Download
- Scientific Games Corporation recently announced the launch of THE SIMPSONS – a new wide area progressive slot game featuring beloved characters and settings from the record-breaking popular.
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Have you seen slot machines featuring Spiderman? Or the ones based on the Monopoly board game? Or the slots that have pictures of Lara Croft from the Tomb Raidervideo game? Most gaming operators will appreciate that all of these images have a strong brand presence, and that it is one of the main reasons for themed games. However, a more basic marketing tactic is being used here – the psychology of familiarity. This is used throughout the gaming industry but is most common on slot machines, online games, and scratchcards. For instance, Camelot’s scratchcards in the UK have featured film tie-ins (e.g., James Bond, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars), and popular games (e.g., Connect Four).
LAS VEGAS, June 27, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Scientific Games Corporation (NASDAQ: SGMS) ('Scientific Games' or the 'Company') announced today the launch of THE SIMPSONS – a new wide area. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Slot Machine. Download Slot Machine and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
But this wasn’t always the case. Back in the late 1980s I did some research on the names that gaming designers and operators gave their slot machines. One of the more interesting findings I reported in one of my academic papers was that over 50% of all machine names that I came across in amusement arcades had some reference to money on them (such as ‘Cashpoint’, ‘Cashline’, ‘Action Bank’, Piggy Bank’, ‘Money Belt’ etc.). Psychologically, all of these machine names gave the impression that this was where a player could get money from – not where they would lose it! Other categories of machine names included those with some reference to skill on them (‘Fruitskill’, ‘Skillchance’) suggesting that machine playing was a skillful activity and that gamblers could perhaps beat the machine. Other machines had what I called “acoustically attractive” names (Nifty Fifty, Naughty But Nice) or puns (Reel Fun, Reel Money). Since making these observations, I have always been interested in the subtle techniques that the gaming industry uses in getting the punter to play on their products. The psychology of gambling – or rather the psychology of gambling marketing – has come a long way in the last decade.
As I’ve already said, one of the techniques that the gaming industry uses (whether they realise it or not) is the psychology of familiarity. Gaming operators and marketers have realised that one weapon in their marketing armory is to design products which appear familiar before a player has ever even played on them – something that can partly be achieved through the name or theme of the slot machine. The examples I gave above showed that the names of slot machines appear to be important in impression formation. It is highly unlikely that the names of slot machines have any influence on gambling behaviour per se. However, when tied in with recent research on the psychology of familiarity, the names of machines do seem to be critically important – particularly in terms of gambling acquisition (that is, getting people to gamble in the first place).
Nowadays, slot machines are often named after a famous person (the Elvis Presley machines appear very popular in one of my local casinos), place, event, video game, board game, television show or film. Not only is this something that is familiar to the gambler but may also be something that the potential gamblers might like or affiliate themselves with (such as James Bond). This is different from a simple naming effect in that the machine’s theme may encompass the whole play of the machine, including its features, the sound effects (e.g., the theme tune to popular television programmes like Coronation Street or Eastenders), and light/colour effects. By using well-known and common themes, gamblers may be more likely to spend time and money playing them.
Some of the most popular UK slot machines are those that feature The Simpsons. There are many possible reasons why a gambler might be more likely to play on a Simpsons’ machine. The Simpsons have mass appeal and popularity across all ages and across gender. The machines are celebrity-endorsed and players may place trust in a ‘quality’ brand like The Simpsons. Gamblers may also hope that knowledge of the characters will help in the playing of the game. On a basic level, it might simply be that the game play of The Simpsons is more exciting, and that the sound effects and features are novel, cute and/or more humorous than other machines. There are many cases similar to this one where it could be speculated that the slot machine becomes so much more inducing because it represents something that is familiar and/or special to the gambler.
Familiarity is a very important psychological aspect of why themed slot machines have been more prominent over the last decade. Familiar themes have the capacity to induce a ‘psycho-structural interaction’ between the gambler and the gambling activity. This is where the gambler’s own psychology interacts with the machine’s structural characteristics and produces different consequences for each person depending upon what the feature means to them personally. If the themes are increasingly familiar, a gambler might be more likely to persevere with the complexities of a machine. Gamblers may find it more enjoyable because they can easily interact with recognizable images they experience. Therefore, the use of familiar themes may have a very persuasive effect, leading to an increase in the number of people using them, and the money they spend. Whilst there are many other aspects that influence an individual’s decision to gamble, the possible persuasive nature of the themes should not be underestimated.
As you may have already gathered, there is a strong overlap between the psychology of familiarity, branding, and the psychology of persuasion. In very simple terms, a gambler must be exposed to the product and be aware of its presence before they can even make the decision to gamble. This is relatively easy to achieve given the ubiquity of slot machines and the fact that current machines will use any number of techniques to grab a potential player’s attention. These include television or film theme tunes, bright flashing lights, and/or pictures or voices of celebrities. Once a gambler’s attention has been gained, the product must be likeable and familiar enough for them to think about gambling and wanting to interact with the machine further. Immediately familiar images and sounds are likely to lead to a much quicker decision to gamble. All which goes to show – the gaming industry knows what it is doing!
Dr. Mark Griffiths, Professor of Gambling Studies, International Gaming Research Unit, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK
Further reading
Griffiths, M.D. (1993). Fruit machine gambling: The importance of structural characteristics. Journal of Gambling Studies, 9, 101-120.
Griffiths, M.D. (2007). Brand psychology: Social acceptability and familiarity that breeds trust and loyalty.Casino and Gaming International, 3(3), 69-72.
Griffiths, M.D. & Dunbar, D. (1997). The role of familiarity in fruit machine gambling. Society for the Study of Gambling Newsletter, 29, 15-20.
Griffiths, M.D. & Parke, J. (2003). The environmental psychology of gambling. In G. Reith (Ed.), Gambling: Who wins? Who Loses? (pp. 277-292).New York: Prometheus Books.
King, D.L., Delfabbro, P.H. & Griffiths, M.D. (2010). Video game structural characteristics: A new psychological taxonomy. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 8, 90-106.
Parke, J. & Griffiths, M.D. (2006). The psychology of the fruit machine: The role of structural characteristics (revisited). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 4, 151-179.
Parke, J. & Griffiths, M.D. (2007). The role of structural characteristics in gambling. In G. Smith, D. Hodgins & R. Williams (Eds.), Research and Measurement Issues in Gambling Studies (pp.211-243). New York: Elsevier.
Wood, R.T.A., Griffiths, M.D., Chappell, D. & Davies, M.N.O. (2004). The structural characteristics of video games: A psycho-structural analysis. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 7, 1-10.
If you’re alive (and if you’re reading this, we assume you are), chances are you’ve seen at least a few episode of The Simpsons. This incredible hit animated comedy aired its first episode back in 1989, and is still airing to this day, making it one of the most successful television shows of any kind of all time. While the series has long since passed its golden era of peak popularity and critical acclaim, Matt Groening’s characters and their adventures in Springfield continue to delight viewers throughout the world on a weekly basis.
It was only a matter of time before someone stepped up and licensed America’s favorite cartoon family for a slot machine. That task fell to Scientific Games and their subsidiary, WMS, who showed off their machine based on the franchise at the 2016 Global Gaming Expo (G2E). With lots of bonuses and plenty of hilarious interaction from the characters that appear on screen, this is an entertaining slot that every Simpsons fan will want to play.
Working at the Power Plant
The Simpsons is a five-reel slot machine that uses an expanded 5x5 layout that looks more like a grid than a set of reels. However, the main goal is still the same: you’ll want to make matches across the screen from left-to-right. The game is housed in the exciting Gamescape cabinet, which offers up an unbelievable array of graphical delights over several different screens.
The game is designed to allow you to travel to different locations: in some cases, the machine is decked out like a casino night at the Springfield Power Plant, with Homer, Lenny, and Carl hanging out in their classy tuxedos while Mr. Burns looks on in the background, while at other times, you can play in the middle of Moe’s Tavern. During the game, Homer and other characters will make comments related to what’s happening – or what could happen – on screen.
Across the reels, you’ll see a number of the television program’s iconic characters – beyond the ones mentioned, you’ll see several other men of Springfield decked out in formal wear, like Apu, Krusty the Clown, and Chief Wiggum – along with symbols such as donuts, three-eyed fish, and Santa’s Little Helper (the family dog, for those less familiar with the show).
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The Simpsons Slot Machine App Game
Grabbing the Forbidden Donut
Like many games from this manufacturer that are based on existing franchises, WMS has been careful to throw in plenty of references to the series that will excite fans, especially when it comes to the bonus features. For instance, you might find yourself playing a random round of Monorail Madness, or making crank calls to Moe’s Tavern with the “Pranks a Lot” mini-game.
But perhaps the most entertaining of all is the Donut Wheel Bonus. Triggered whenever you hit four donut symbols in the four corners of the screen, this is an interactive free spins game which utilized the new motion sensor technology that has been rolling out on some of these Gamescape machines. Once the feature is triggered, you’ll be asked to put your hand over the motion sensor. You can then move your hand to catch different colored sprinkles that will drop for the top of the screen. These have various bonuses, such as locking wilds in place, adding more spins, or giving you a multiplier on each of your wins.
After you’re done collecting your candy, Homer will take a bite out of the spinning donut on the screen that appears above the main play area, letting you know how many base free spins you’ll receive. It’s one of the more interesting and engaging bonus rounds we’ve seen in a long time, and one that comes with plenty of Easter eggs for devoted Simpsons fans. There’s even a progressive jackpot that can be linked across many machines to give you yet another big prize to chase.
Free to Play WMS Slot Machine Games
WMS Slot Machine Reviews (No Free Games)
The Simpsons Slot Machine Apps
Don’t Have a Cow, Man
There’s really nothing bad to say about The Simpsons slot machine from WMS. Scientific Games has been building a huge library of brands for their machines as of late, but few have the power and instant recognition of this one. And we don’t many of them can be nearly as funny, either: this game is constantly referencing the funniest moments from the classic years of the cartoon, something that will delight fans at every turn.
The Simpsons Slot Machine App Download
Granted, if you’re not a fan of the show, you probably won’t be getting very much out of the experience of playing this machine, since a lot of the humor and the interesting features are geared towards those who truly love the citizens of Springfield. But just the gameplay alone is deep enough for anyone who happens to come across this cabinet, and for fans of The Simpsons, this is a can’t miss attraction at any casino.